The Best Geiger Counters of 2020

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On the internet, self-styled experts draw up rankings of what they say are the best Geiger counters, and coincidentally, an Italian-made instrument like ours is never mentioned. So as the only Italian manufacturers of this category of instruments we want to tell you what we think about it.

How to Choose a Reliable Geiger Counter

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The online offer on Geiger counters for measuring radioactivity has now become quite extensive. This guide covers what you need to know when choosing your future Geiger detector.


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Natural radioactivity is present everywhere on our planet. E’ originated from the presence of various radionuclides in rocks and minerals. No less important is the contribution from solar activity and cosmic rays that constantly hit us from the depths of the universe.

The silent Radon Killer Gas

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Radon is a very radioactive gas, belonging to the family of so-called noble or inert gases. E’ as dangerous as it is insidious since it cannot be perceived with the normal senses as it is colorless, odorless…


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The recurring question of those who buy a Geiger counter for the first time is how to read the dose values ​​returned by the instrument, in practice, understanding when these can become dangerous to health and what damage can be caused by overexposure to ionizing radiation